Car rental
1. Rent cars travel Self - Drive or with driver
If travelers had car driving license and your family is also quite high from 3 people or more, and Self - Drive Cars is method for visitors. Or may be Car rental with driver, the car rental with driver make guests not get lost, because driver is too are familiar geography and locations travel Danang.
2. Rent Motorcycles
If travelers funding limited, want to "phuot" places travel should using this vehicle to move flexible with price reasonable.
3. Rent Bicycles
A trip by bike, while go out while watching the streets, person Danang, probable traveler will feel peaceful incredible. If travelers in the center, will be easy approach places travel Danang as Cham Museum in Da Nang, Bach Dang Street, these bridge famous as Han River Bridge, Dragon Bridge, Tran Thi Ly Bridge... or market, supermarket.